The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) of Singapore has forged a partnership with Weston Robot to facilitate a unique robotics learning journey for students from four different schools: Dunman High School, Lakeside Primary School, Xingnan Primary School, and Yishun Town Secondary School. This collaborative effort is designed to immerse students in the cutting-edge world of robotics, providing an invaluable educational experience that bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical technology application. The aim of this program is to ignite a passion for science and technology among students, paving the way for future innovation and engineering pursuits.
Photo: Students from Dunman High School Learning Robots at Weston Robot
During the program, students had the opportunity to interact directly with advanced robotics technology under the guidance of experts from Weston Robot. This included hands-on sessions where students could engage with the robots, learning about their design, functionality, and the complex engineering processes involved in their creation. By handling real-world technologies, students gained a deeper understanding of the intricacies of robotics, including the software and mechanical components that allow robots to operate and perform tasks effectively.
Photo: Students from Yishun Town Seconday School Learning Robots at Weston Robot
Engineers and scientists from Weston Robot played a key role in demonstrating the capabilities of different types of robots, such as quadruped robots and wheeled robots. These robots are designed for specific applications across various industries including facility management, utility, and transportation. The demonstrations highlighted how robotics technology can be tailored to meet the needs of different sectors, showcasing the versatility and potential of robots to transform industries by automating tasks and improving efficiency.
Photo: Students from Lakeside Primary School Learning Robots at Weston Robot
This initiative is more than just an educational outing; it is a strategic movement towards integrating technology-focused education into school curriculums. By providing real-world applications and hands-on experiences, the program helps students see the practical implications of STEM education. It encourages them to consider careers in technology and engineering, fields that are vital for the development of our global economy. As technology continues to advance, initiatives like this are essential for preparing the next generation of innovators and thinkers who will lead the tech-driven future.
Photo: Students from Xingnan Primary School Learning Robots at Weston Robot
- 07-25The visit of Anderson Secondary School robotics club to Weston Robot office was a success. The students learned a lot about robotics technology and its applications, and had a fun and engaging experience. Weston Robot was happy to host the students and share its expertise and passion for robotics. Weston Robot hopes to inspire more students to pursue robotics as a career and a hobby, and to foster a long-term collaboration with Anderson Secondary School robotics club.
- 07-20
Jurongville Secondary School Learning Robots at Weston Robot
Jurongville Secondary School students had an enriching experience learning about robotics at Weston Robot. During their visit, Weston Robot engineers shared valuable insights on how to build a robot, covering essential concepts and techniques. They explored various robotics applications, broadening the students' understanding of the field. The engineers also conducted exciting demonstrations of advanced robotics, including robotic dogs, exoskeletons, and many other practical robots. These demonstrations captivated the students, showcasing the real-world potential of robotics technology. The visit provided the students with a hands-on learning opportunity, inspiring them to consider future careers in robotics and engineering. - 07-16
华中科技大学材料学院第二批学生来Weston Robot学习交流
华中科技大学材料系大一大二学生在李鑫教授带领下访问新加坡的Weston Robot公司。这是材料系的第二次访问,第一次在2023年。学生们与首席科学家张博士探讨了材料学在机器人领域的创新应用。此次交流不仅拓宽了学生视野,还促进了学术合作,为未来研究打下坚实基础。学生们了解了材料科学在机器人技术中的实际应用,对专业成长和科研能力提升大有帮助。此次交流为双方未来合作与发展开辟了新的道路,具有重要意义。
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